Recent Favourite Reads - Newsletter 17.08.2022-21.09.2022


  1. Recipes and Tricks for Effective Structural Pattern Matching in Python

    8 min

  2. Why your website should be under 14kb in size

    8 min


    Detective-like article about TCP packet size influence on page load speed.

  3. ADR: Deep Dive into Architecture Decision Records

    5 min

  4. Tagless final — from a different perspective

    7 min

  5. HTTP‘s New Method For Data APIs: HTTP QUERY

    5 min

  6. Time till open source alternative with comments

    9 min


    Opinionated article about the period before the appearance of an open alternative for particular proprietary software. Reading comments is strictly recommended.

  7. A Critique of SQL, 40 Years Later

    12 min

  8. Event Driven Architecture — 5 Pitfalls to Avoid

    10 min

  9. Kafka-Streams and rocksdb in the space-time continuum and a little bit of configuration

    11 min

  10. How I Hacked my Car: part 1 and part 2

    25 min

  11. 10 TypeScript features you might not be using yet or didn't understand

    5 min

  12. Атака на String.hashCode: прообразы и коллизии

    8 min

  13. Chasing the wrong Android app stacktrace in Crashlytics

    5 min


    A small note about finding the cause of the application crash will allow you to learn a little more about the pain of diagnosing bugs with obfuscated code and the loss of actual stack traces.

  14. Using TypeScript Mapped Types Like a Pro

    10 min

  15. Error Handling via Dead Letter Queue in Apache Kafka

    15 min

  16. Жизнь после мейнстрима: что стало с известными ранее стандартами и технологиями

    7 min

  17. HTTP://HTTP://HTTP://@HTTP://HTTP://?HTTP://#HTTP://

    5 min

  18. Python List Comprehensions Are More Powerful Than You Might Think

    5 min

  19. Топ самых интересных CVE за август 2022 года

    4 min

  20. 20 лет проблем приема платежей

    10 min

  21. How SQLite Scales Read Concurrency

    10 min

  22. Are you sure that’s a Feature Toggle?

    5 min


    An overview article on "feature flags" of all kinds. The author briefly talks about release, ops, permissioning and other flags in the context of longevity and dynamism.

  23. Дюк, вынеси мусор! — 4. ZGC

    9 min

  24. Типы таблиц в PostgreSQL: clustered, foreign, partitioned и inherited tables

    14 min


    The third article in a cycle of articles about table types in Postgres. The two previous covered HEAP and TOAST tables as well as logged, unlogged and temporary ones.

  25. Парсим строки с SMT-решателем

    25 min

  26. The Four Pillars of Data Observability

    5 min

  27. Selection functions are interesting notion with tricky implementation

    10 min

  28. Documenting Software Architecture in Code Repository

    5 min

  29. What is Cache Stampede?

    4 min

  30. Can types replace validation?

    12 min

  31. Why do arrays start at 0? with comments

    6 min

  32. The concept of class invariant in object-oriented programming;
  33. Paraconsistent logic and query answering in inconsistent databases;
  34. LINSTOR — это как Kubernetes, но для блочных устройств (обзор и видео доклада)

    12 min

  35. Яндекс выпускает DivKit — фреймворк для server-driven UI с открытым кодом

    8 min

  36. Memory Management Reference

    1 hour


    Amazing aggregation of the materials related to memory management and garbage collection. Starting from the introduction and glossary, the portal leads you to tons of books and articles on the topic.

  37. Why You Should Read "Data and Reality"

    6 min

  38. A gentle introduction to Apache Kafka

    15 min


    An animated comic that introduces the basic concepts and principles of Apache Kafka in a fairytale-like narrative. It is unsuitable as initial training material for developers, but it will help explain to your child what a message broker is and why you need it.


  1. The Art of Sharpening Pencils (Styles & Techniques)

    6 min

  2. Countering the Achievement Society: Education must rediscover the role of leisure

    16 min

  3. Calibri: the font that avoided cult status

    8 min

  4. Widespread misperceptions of long-term attitude change

    40 min

  5. Productivity Porn

    4 min

  6. Я проанализировал данные за 50 лет. «Не-рецессия» 2022 года уникальна: спрятаться от неё негде

    7 min

  7. Влияет ли язык на мышление? или: «У вас на юго-восточной ноге сидит муравей»

    8 min

  8. Inkscape с 0 до Pro за 5 дней

    1 hour

  9. Why A4? – The Mathematical Beauty of Paper Size with comments

    8 min


Interesting projects

  1. Oasis: Small statically-linked Linux system with comments;
  2. dtm-labs/dtm: A service orchestrator for distributed transactions, supports workflow, saga, tcc, xa, 2-phase message, outbox patterns, supports many languages.;
  3. PLDB: a Programming Language Database with comments;
  4. Leon: Open-source, self-hosted personal assistant with comments;
  5. ossf/scorecard: Security Scorecards - Security health metrics for Open Source;
  6. db-scheduler: Task-scheduler for Java that was inspired by the need for a clustered java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService simpler than Quartz;
  7. Cursorless – A spoken language for structural code editing with comments;
  8. SigNoz is an open-source APM;
  9. Linkkraft: делаю offline-first браузер, который организует открытые вкладки и персональные заметки;


  1. Docs for Developers: An Engineer’s Field Guide to Technical Writing;
  2. Data and Reality;