Recent Favourite Reads - Newsletter 12.10.2022-27.11.2022


  1. Time is an illusion, Unix time doubly so...

    14 min

  2. Idempotent Focused Architecting

    4 min

  3. React I Love You, But You're Bringing Me Down

    14 min

  4. JEP 431: Sequenced Collections

    8 min


    One of the biggest mysteries for me is why there has yet to be an interface for ordered collections out of the box in Java. Want to enforce the ordered set contract? You'll have to fix explicit implementations, such as LinkedHashSet. Great to see that there is an initiative to address the overlook.

  5. Database Management With CI/CD

    10 min


    All-in-one tutorial about CI/CD with databases. Not too deep, but it covers nearly every aspect of the problem: from decoupling code and migrations to testing techniques.

  6. Coroutines (practical)

    8 min


    It's a neat, practical guide on generator coroutines in Python, focusing on how they work.

  7. CI/CD That Gets Out of Your Way

    2 min

  8. PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL 15 Released!

    3 min

  9. Test smarter, not harder

    4 min

  10. Different test scopes in Rust

    8 min

  11. Бюджет потерь USB 3.2

    15 min

  12. How we built Pingora, the proxy that connects Cloudflare to the Internet

    10 min

  13. Is it time to migrate from Lens to OpenLens to manage your Kubernetes clusters?

    8 min

  14. JavaScript: редко используемые, но полезные API

    9 min

  15. A cozy nest for your scripts

    6 min

  16. Проектируем процессор постапокалипсиса с помощью openSource

    15 min

  17. Oobeya Metric Definitions

    2 min

  18. Syntax Design

    16 min


    This is an absolute must-read for anyone thinking about creating their own language. The guide contains an overview and categorization of syntax features and also provides meaningful questions for a programming language design. This article would be interesting not only for language creators but also for developers.

  19. ISBNdb dump, or How Many Books Are Preserved Forever?

    7 min

  20. Вы уверены? Как писать тексты для экранов подтверждения

    4 min

  21. Делаем документацию здорового человека в Git на примере Docs Ozon

    7 min

  22. Отдай ребёнка дьяволу или купи мне пиво: вот, чем вы рискуете, когда используете свободное ПО

    4 min

  23. Увидеть невидимое

    6 min

  24. Эмбарго на A-GPS или почему смартфоны стали плохо определять местоположение

    5 min

  25. How Airbnb Safeguards Changes in Production

    8 min

  26. Is documenting a big project with UML Diagrams needed, good to have or even not possible?

    7 min

  27. Nearly All Binary Searches and Mergesorts are Broken

    4 min

    with comments;
  28. Why would anyone need javascript generator functions?

    14 min

  29. Codebase as Database: Turning the IDE Inside Out with Datalog

    15 min


    Quite a hot topic these days. Similar ideas we can find in the Glean project (see below, in the Interesting project section). Another related but peculiar example: Unison language provides a more curious approach to codebase management (read details on unison codebase manager).

  30. Named Element IDs Can Be Referenced as JavaScript Globals

    5 min

  31. NULL-значения в PostgreSQL: правила и исключения

    8 min

  32. Similarity search and Deduplication at scale

    12 min

  33. Postgres WASM by Snaplet and Supabase

    8 min

  34. Out-of-Control Backlog? — Try Prioritization Using the MAUT Technique

    5 min

  35. Should we use custom exceptions in Python?

    12 min

  36. 10 итераторов, о которых вы могли не знать

    12 min


    Personally, I am not a fan of articles with catchy titles like "5 things every developer should know" and the like, but this is a top-notch article with a complete overview and good examples of iterators in Python.

  37. Колхоз. Большая история фермы устройств Яндекса

    20 min

  38. The type system is a programmer's best friend

    8 min

  39. Immutable Collections should be Your Default

    5 min

  40. Cut the Technobabble

    10 min

  41. Selectively Shifting and Constraining Computation

    12 min

  42. Exceptions in lambdas

    5 min

  43. Clean Code with Records, Sealed Classes and Pattern Matching

    50 min

  44. The case against Effect Systems (e.g., the IO data type)

    15 min

  45. How Postgres sequences issues can impact your messaging guarantees

    7 min

  46. Spring Boot 3.0 Goes GA

    1 min



  1. Лёд это новый космос. Почему ледовый роутинг – сложнейшая математическая задача современности

    5 min

  2. Мороз, вагоны и математика: как новый цифровой сервис экономит нам до 4 млн кубов газа в год

    6 min

  3. Lose Weight the Slow and Incredibly Difficult Way

    8 min

  4. Body Doubling with comments;
  5. Вредные заблуждения о нанометрах. Или почему наличие в России доступа только к 90нм – это катастрофа

    9 min

  6. Computer Saturation and the Productivity Slowdown

    6 min

  7. Futurist prediction methods and accuracy

    2.5 h

  8. Resolving an unusual wifi issue

    6 min


Interesting projects

  1. Ladybird: A new cross-platform browser project with comments;
  2. Eio - Effects-Based Parallel IO for OCaml;
  3. fluxninja/aperture: Flow control and reliability management for modern cloud applications;
  4. bigskysoftware/htmx: </> htmx - high power tools for HTML;
  5. sd: my script directory;
  6. Monocle is designed for development teams to provide;
  7. Explainpaper: A better way to read academic papers. ;
  8. Apache InLong;
  9. Koka: A Functional Language with Effect Types and Handlers;
  10. FiloSottile/mkcert: Public A simple zero-config tool to make locally trusted development certificates with any names you'd like;
  11. RustyHermit - A Rust-based, lightweight unikernel;
  12. hiSHtory: Better Shell History;
  13. diffoscope: In-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories.;
  14. Announcing Jetstack Paranoia: A New Open Source Tool for Container Image Security;
  15. Restfox – Open source lightweight alternative to Postman with comments;
  16. Glean: System for collecting, deriving and querying facts about source code;
  17. Odin Programming Language The Data-Oriented Language for Sane Software Development;
  18. Blessed: An unofficial guide to the Rust ecosystem;
  19. q - Run SQL directly on CSV or TSV files;
  20. TDungeon is a small adventure game that runs in the Typescript type system;
  21. Introducing Spring Modulith;
  22. BellSoft Introduces Alpaquita Linux for Containerized Java Applications;
  23. ogen: OpenAPI v3 генератор для Go;


  1. Performance Modeling and Design of Computer Systems: Queueing Theory in Action;